Revised Application technology batch glass production in the Glass & Minerals sector

Batch glass production

Lowering emissions, increasing production, saving fuel with tailormade oxygen applications


Oxyfuel Burners


Replacement of recuperative firing by oxyfuel burner(s)

App. 40% total fuel saving
Better working environment – less noise, less heat from furnace
No recuperator required.
Lower emissions - NOx, CO2, particulates
Reduced electricity costs
Faster and more consistent melting
Better glass quality
No significant capital investment required
Oxipyr Burners:

Oxipyr - F

Oxipyr - P / P LON

Oxipyr - Burner Regulation:

Oxipyr - Advanced regulation

Oxipyr - Basic+, Basic regulation

Oxipyr - 400 regulation

Revised Customer process batch glass production in the Glass & Minerals sector

Batch glass production

Small scale production of glass

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